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e-s@pè | Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli

Réalisation du projet

Action 1 : Journées de lancement.

Programme « e-sapè » Action 1 : journées de lancement à l’Université de Corse.

Présents : Le président de l’Université de Corse Paul-Marie Romani  accompagné de son vice-président du Conseil d’Administration Dominique Federici, la responsable des relations internationales et sa chef de service, la responsable de la formation continue et les représentants des institutions partenaires dont le Président de l’Université des Hautes-Terres accompagné de la responsable des formations de cette université, le responsable des relations internationales de l’Université pour l’Industrie (UFI/Learn Direct), le responsable des relations internationales des Compagnons du Devoir et le responsable des activités  des Compagnons pour l’Angleterre et l’Irlande, le responsable des relations internationales de l’Ecole Supérieure d’Economie de l'Université de Budapest et le responsable des formations en ligne pour les entrepreneurs en Hongrie et le Consul Honoraire de France à Newcastle chargé de mission de coordination pour le programme qui représentait aussi le directeur du laboratoire DOVE de Newcastle empêché.
A.Activités des trois jours de lancement
Lundi 12 mars
9h30 : Accueil par le Président de l’université de Corse Paul-Marie Romani
9h45 : Présentation du programme « e-sapè » par le coordonateur J.Vauthier
10h45 : Pause café et discussions informelles
11h : Présentation des différents partenaires et de leur implication dans le programme.
12h30 Déjeuner offert par l’université.
14h30 : Présentation de la situation sociale en Corse, du chômage et des entreprises par Sylvie Sarzana en charge de l’action 5.
15h Discussions sur les aménagements du programme en fonction de ces données et de la réponse susceptible d’être apportée dans chacun des domaines d’intervention par les partenaires.
16h30 : Contrats et finances. Préparation des ateliers de travail du lendemain.
18h : Clôture des activités du premier jour par un tour de table.
Mardi 13 mars
9h30 : Ateliers
·      UFI and USB : stratégie de mise en visibilité et attraction du programme. Formation des entrepreneurs ( S.Sarzana et Peter Soltesz)
·      UHI et CdD: formations des formateurs en pédagogie numérique pour des publics spécifiques en difficulté sociale (J.Vauthier et  Andrew Robinson)
12h30 Déjeuner.
 14h30 Réunion globale pour la mise en commun et l’harmonisation des résultats des différents ateliers.
17h Clôture des travaux et visite d’un village avoisinant dans la montagne (Santa Lucia di Mercurio)
Mercredi 14 mars :
Rédaction des rapports et départ.
B.      Harmonisation des différents partenaires au sein des actions définies par le programme e-sapè.
·         University For Industry :  la prochaine mission aura pour but de définir une stratégie de présentation de l’offre de formation qui sera développée dans le cadre du programme à usage d’une population en difficultés et éclatée sur tout le territoire insulaire. A la suite de la présentation par Sylvie Sarzana de la réalité économique de la Corse, une méthodologie de  l’offre de formation en ligne a été clarifiée. En particulier la souplesse de l’offre vis-à-vis de personnes isolées et éloignées des centres urbains sera au cœur de la présentation du programme en s’appuyant sur l’expérience et le savoir faire de l’UFI. 
·         Compagnons du Devoir : une petite équipe de Compagnons existe à Bastia. Une journée portes ouvertes sera organisée avec la présence du responsable de la région PACA. La présentation de chacun des Compagnons se fera en utilisant le webcast de l’université. De plus, grâce au département de communication de l’IUT, des vidéos sur les différents domaines d’activité de ces Compagnons seront faites et mises en ligne comme incitation pour les jeunes qui s’interrogent sur le choix de métiers qu’ils envisagent.
Le formulaire d’inscription aux compagnons du Devoir sera disponible sur le site de e-sapè.
·         University of Highlands and Islands : Une présentation des outils de TICE disponibles à l’université sera faite à l’occasion d’une visioconférence. De plus, une conférence en ligne sur les méthodologies de formations des formateurs à la pédagogie numérique sera organisée.  Lors de la mission de mai, une journée de séminaire sur la pédagogie numérique est prévue suivie de trois jours intensifs de formations dans des domaines concrets en commençant par les offres de formations à destination des entrepreneurs de TPE de Corse. Une formation au tutorat et au mentorat sera associée à cet apprentissage de la ré-écriture de cours pour leur utilisation en ligne.
·         Ecole Supérieure de l'Université de Budapest : La détermination des modules pertinents de formation sera faite ne coordination avec les enseignants de la discipline de l’université dont Paul-Marie Romani, expert dans l’économie des TPE définira la composition. Ces modules mis à disposition par l’ESEB seront adaptés lors des journées de formation de l’UHI au contexte corse. La méthodologie d’utilisation des contenus de ces modules sera assurée par les experts de l’ESEB pour que leur efficacité auprès des entrepreneurs soit la plus pertinente.
C.      Le site web  de e-sapè : http://e-sape.univ-corse.fr.
La description du programme e-sapè sera mise en ligne ainsi que la présentation des institutions partenaires.  Les comptes rendus de la réunion de lancement seront disponibles, chaque partenaire ayant son compte rendu propre indépendamment du rapport du coordonateur général.
Les états financiers seront aussi disponibles sur le site mais en zone réservée aux partenaires.
Un compteur sera installé pour avoir une évaluation des interrogations sur le site.
D.      Développements en parallèle du programme « e-sapè ».
Les contacts établis lors de ces journées de lancement ont montré des développements de coopération dans deux domaines particuliers : l’halieutique et l’entreprenariat. Le président Aiello responsable du site de Stella Mare a exprimé son désir de mettre en place des journées de recherche sur les thèmes qui apparaissent être en commun entre le laboratoire DOVE de l’Université de Newcastle et Stella Mare. L’université des Hautes Terres et des îles s’est joint à cette initiative par son centre d’Oban .
Le président Romani a été très intéressé par la présentation de l’Ecole Supérieure d’Economie de Budapest dans le domaine qui est le sien des petites et moyennes entreprises. Un programme de recherche en commun est envisagé avec l’université de Budapest.


Action 2 : Proposition de stratégie pour le programme par Learndirect/University for Industry

Learning Consultancy Report : Learndirect Recommendations for the e-sapè  Project 

Report Date: 16th May 2012
Report Author:  Alan HowardHead of Learning Consultancy – learndirect
Summary. 1
Headline Recommendations. 1
Background and Context. 1
Key Target Groups. 2
Strategic Objectives to Address: 2
Implementation and Delivery. 2
learndirect Consultation Process. 2
Summary of Consultancy Findings. 3
Delivery Models. 5
Drivers Influencing Learner Choice. 6
Proposed Learner Journey/Delivery Model 7
Proposed Infrastructure. 7
Learning Support/Learner Contact. 7
Technical Support. 8
Learning Centres. 8
Recommended Learning Process and Supporting Model 9
Recommended Content Offer Components. 10
Web Content. 10
Engagement content. 10
Induction resources. 10
e-learning Learning Content. 10
Supporting Resources. 10
Core e-learning Content. 10
Unaccredited English Language Pathway. 11
IT Provision Pathway. 11
Soft skills Pathway. 12
Unemployed Target Group. 12
SME/Entrepreneur. 12
All Pathways. 12
Campaign for Learning. 13
Acquisition. 13
Engagement Strategy via the Website. 14
Collateral 15
PR. 15
Performance Management. 15
Customer Satisfaction. 15
learndirect Engagement Tool Examples. 16
Facebook Game. 16
Informal Learning. 16
Apps. 16
Example Courses. 16
Strategic Overview.. 17


This report will highlight a number of strategic recommendations for the e-sapè project to consider in the implementation of e-learning in Corsica. The key recommendations are as follows:

Headline Recommendations

·         Develop and establish robust referral partner organisations for specific target groups
·         Use the e-sapè website as a main acquisition and engagement route to position the offer
·         Establish partnership with P@M’s to offer a supported learning environment as an access point or tutor support
·         Develop a campaign ‘theme’ to launch the offer that applies to all target groups
·         Focus on initial English language, ICT and soft skills offer to engage with all target groups
·         Establish an e-learning environment that goes beyond web TV to engage and motivate learners
·         Use landing pages to host engagement tools such as games and quizzes to drive web traffic
·         Embed these within social media sites to increase site traffic where target groups already visit online (including social and SME websites)
·         Provide a pathway for other partners of the e-sapè project for practical and specialised training as part of an online catalogue and referral routes

Background and Context

learndirect Ltd, based in Sheffield, UK, are partners in the e-sapè project managed by the University of Corsica. Using extensive experience of delivering online learning through our ‘learndirect’ brand to millions of learners in the UK for over 10 years, the following report will provide strategic recommendations for the e-sapè project to initiate and support the implementation of a programme of online learning in Corsica. Specifically this report will address the following key areas:
·         Contribute to a strategy relating to training opportunities based on the experience of learndirect in the UK
·         Share experience and best practice relating to how ICT can be best used to reduce barriers to learning
·         Identify motivational factors required to engage learners with pathways to learning, using both ICT and blended-learning solutions
·         Consider the drivers affecting and influencing learning and development decisions
·         Shape course content and packages most likely to have quick, but sustainable impact for individual learners, learners as entrepreneurs and employers.
The report will provide the project and its partners with a road map to deliver the project aims and objectives. Launching an online learning resource without this approach could ultimately lead to confused deliverables, limited engagement and subsequently lack of persistence from the learners undertaking learning opportunities. The aim of this report is to support the e-sapè  project and its partners to build and pilot a sustainable e-learning infrastructure. The report will provide the foundation and roadmap to undertake the next steps of the e-sapè project and its partners. This will support the project decisions in terms of:
·         Partners will be able to undertake their own development and infrastructure activities aligned with the strategy
·         Investment and resource will be aligned and prioritised in line with the recommendations
·         Focus and direction of website development activities will commence
·         Referral routes and engagement opportunities can be established
·         Learning content and development decisions will commence

Key Target Groups

This report is concerned with developing an e-learning model to engage and subsequently provide online learning for the following key target groups:
·         Individuals from the general population in Corsica (including those living in remote locations)
·         Individuals who are unemployed
·         SME owner/managers
·         Entrepreneurs
Where appropriate each target group may require varying approaches in order to acquire and engage learners to the project. However, where there are common underlying needs or key messages that will appeal to all target groups these will be focussed on to support project efficiencies and aligned approaches.

Strategic Objectives to Address:

·         Provide underpinning recommendations to support an infrastructure that sets out an effective implementation for the e-sapè  project to reach its target audience and deliver successful e-learning opportunities
·         Support e-sapè to align with the University of Corsica’s own emerging e-learning approach so that it provides a foundation for future delivery both internally and externally
·         Provide recommendations that will encourage the development of a long term roadmap to establish a foundation for sustainable growth and engagement of the general population (should future funding become available for  further beneficiaries)

Implementation and Delivery

The scope and subsequent implementation of the report will be undertaken via the project partners based on their collective approach and the resources available within the overall project aims. It is expected that due to the scale of this project some recommendations will be unable to be implemented within this first phase. However it will be highlighted throughout the report where short term approaches are recommended and which aspects may need to be longer term developments.

learndirect Consultation Process

The report will provide strategic recommendations based on the experience of learndirect delivering e-learning to over 3 million learners with recognition of the circumstances in Corsica and the cultural considerations required. In addition to the analysis provided by the project, a number of stakeholder consultation meetings were requested by learndirect and took place in Corsica between March and April 2012 with the following key groups/representatives:
·         e-sapè Project Partners
o   Les Compagnons du Devoir
o   University of Highlands and islands
o   Ecole Superieure d’Economie de Budapest
o   Newcastle University
o   University of Corsica S.SARZANA et J.VAUTHIER
·         Vice Président du Conseil d’Administration et directeur du C.R.I. D.FEDERICCI
·         MEDEF à Corte : Olivier MILON
·         CGPME à Bastia: Dominique Bianchi
·         Pole Emploi à Ajaccio: J.M.MARCAGGI.
·         P@M à Corte: Marie-France BURINI de la MITIC assistée de Ch.RUDELLE   (cabinet CONSUL'TIC)  M.VAREILLE et M.BOULENGER  

Summary of Consultancy Findings

Unemployed Characteristics

·         Those seeking employment is greater amongst those under 25 (especially men) and those over 50 (especially women)
·         Tourism is the main employer and therefore seasonality plays an important role in the unemployment characteristics of the island
·         There is a general lack of high qualified individuals which can lead to recruitment taking place outside of Corsica for higher qualified roles.
·         Skills gaps exist between what the employer seeks and the skill sets of the individuals out of work. These are not always the basic skills but more advanced skills now required but provision is in place to address.
·         It is often difficult to establish pathways from basic to higher level skills in specific sectors
·         An existing offer for basic provision is in place already however e-learning could support additional learning and improve access to existing programmes. Basic IT programmes do already exist though not necessarily online
·         Employability skills are required and personal development skills (such as time management)
·         English Language is a major barrier for employees and potential employers who need to have staff skilled in language to support tourism and most other sectors

SME’s/Entrepreneur Characteristics

·         The SME environment can mainly be male dominated with a strong emphasis on family and generational workers. Two generations exist with use of IT very mixed with around 60% of managers using the internet with the remainder not using it at all (typically older generation). There is minimal use of social media but PC access does exist amongst manager levels
·         New business creation is a natural step to stay in Corsica , but ideas for growth are limited
·         Face to face training currently exists with limited online provision in place
·         Entrepreneurs in IT are growing such as phone APPS and the population are starting to use e-commerce and e-services for deliveries
·         The SME population, don’t tend to feel helped but also suffer from their own lack of forward  planning
·         Women entrepreneurs are on the increase but in the early stages of development, a few case studies exist such as cosmetic businesses
·         Relations amongst SMEs is typically supportive through the supply chain but is naturally competitive outside of that environment
·         The main barrier to learning is deemed to be a lack of time
·         Links to the University of Corsica are generally perceived to be positive, but accreditation/qualifications is generally regarded as less important
·         The main focus for training would not be the owner but the 2nd line management

Corsica IT Capability/Access levels 

·         Bandwidth intermittent not always stabilised in all villages, but coverage is generally good
·         23 physical training locations (p@m’s) exist with local physical sites across numerous locations in Corisca (more are available in the main towns). These are well established locations and have high attendance rates. 7 out of 23 have more than 10 PC’s and all have internet access and large bandwidths.
·         Use of the equipment is both internet /computer use and training used by numerous groups as defined by local P@M
·         There is an annual subscription basis and training/support available
·         1/3 of visitors have no equipment at home (PC/internet) with two thirds bringing  equipment with them
·         There is an equal split of men and women more and more women each year with the overall age group split, most are aged 41 or less.
·         There are a number of services run from the P@Ms with referral routes mainly from projects with local schools
·         Mobile (via bus) provision has been tried previously with minimal success
·         Centre Manager/tutors have differences in educational attainment

University of Corsica e-learning Infrastructure

·         TV conferencing and web TV available
·         E-sapè  Website/Moodle platform can  be used on all formats and a knowledgebank already exists
·         User experience is good and tested infrastructure
·         Distance learning foundations are in place
·         Commitment to invest and grow provision
·         University content is available now for some curriculum areas
·         Webcasts are currently 1 way but envisaged to be 2 way in future and invest in Web TV
·         Computer sciences are most receptive to delivery in ICT
·         Some resources are now in the knowledge bank with online videos of lectures and presentations
·         Some lectures are already being delivered online

Delivery Models

Based on learndirect experience to date, the following guiding principles are recommended in terms of driving forward an e-learning approach to appeal to a broad spread population with hard to reach groups:
·         Establish a flexible learning approach to enable reach to people of all ages and all walks of life
·         Strong brand awareness to support early connection with the target groups and to develop a sustainable and efficient learner engagement method
·         Established and reciprocal partner referrals routes for target group engagement
·         Clear pathways that can support a return on learner personal investment
·         Having a strong relevance to core audience needs in terms of outputs of learning  
·         Availability of a number of access routes to support flexible learning either at work or home
·         Appropriate levels of Learner Support (including technical and pedagogical as required)
·         Quality e-learning materials that support the learner through an engaging and rich learner experience that sustains interest and motivation resulting in completion success
·         Provision of additional supporting services that nurture and support the learner to progress
·         Effective online engagement tools that support awareness raising and conversion to learning
·         Intuitive self registration processes and navigation through administrative requirements
·         A rewarding first user experience that motivates learners to persist and revisit their learning
·         Motivation tools and contact strategies that support remote and unsupported learning
·         Ability to cater for different levels of online learning ability and learner needs
learndirect programmes in the UK have consistently addressed perceived barriers to learning through the use of ICT and ensuring that ICT itself becomes a catalyst for empowering potential learners to undertake more learning through the advancements in technology and the web. Learners often face the following barriers:
·         Seeking work or trying to gain a qualification which may have limited their confidence and now seek reassurance
·         Nervous learners who want the support and handholding to achieve their goals
·         Confident learners who perceive learning processes a barrier as they want to go straight to what they want without being patronised or being made to jump through the hoops
·         Learners may be looking to return to learning after a long break and find the process daunting
The effective introduction of a supported e-learning infrastructure can address such barriers and provide successful learning outcomes. It is recommended that at a strategic level the e-sapè model should seek to successfully combine the following key fundamental building blocks:
People – Tutors and the processes that enable learners interact with each other
Content - learning and engagement content available throughout the learning duration
Systems - technology delivered tools and enablers that support the learning activity
Ultimately, the model should be a supportive environment where learning is quick, consistent and where completion/achievement is reliable. Essentially providing the ability to learn online, supported by web, telephone and where appropriate communities/forums as well as online tutors.
It is recommended that the full end-to-end learner journey is considered and planned as part of the project implementation, so that all possible interaction and contact points are planned and catered for in advanced.

Drivers Influencing Learner Choice

The drivers affecting and influencing learning and development decisions of learners consist of the following:
·         Highly experienced and trustworthy source of learning.
·         Help to progress - your learning always leads to an end goal.
·         Accessible learning - online, in centres, in the workplace, through mobile provision and at home.
·         Able to be inspired by others - look at what they've achieved
·         Flexible learning - at a time, pace and place that suits your lifestyle.
·         Learning is presented in bite-size chunks.
·         Learners can learn as part of a group (blended options) with plenty of support. Learning as a social activity.
·         Learners can access help whenever they need it, and at every step of the way.
·         Help is available to transform your life by breaking down barriers towards learning.
·         Free/subsidised provision
·         Recognised quality (aligned to the University would provid

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